
Álvaro Undurraga P. Felipe Reyes C. José Luis Velásquez M. Claudia Azócar B. Hernán Cabello A. Miguel Aguayo C. Manuel Vargas D. Daniela Maturana S. Daniela Díaz H.


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by reduced functional capacity, dyspnea and exercise-induced hypoxia, which decreases tolerance to exertion and limits the ability to perform daily activities. Comorbidities are frequent and their presence contribute to worsening quality of life and increased mortality. Therefore, in addition to antifibrotic therapies, patients with IPF benefit of a comprehensive approach to care that may include: screening, diagnosis and treatment of comorbidities, admission to research protocols, symptomatic management, palliative care, supplementary oxygen, pulmonary rehabilitation, education and support by a multidisciplinary team.



Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Comorbidity, Quality of Life, Palliative Care, Oxygen, Patient Care Team


How to Cite

Undurraga P., Álvaro, Reyes C., F., Velásquez M., J. L., Azócar B., C., Cabello A., H., Aguayo C., M., Vargas D., M., Maturana S., D., & Díaz H., D. (2020). Adjuvant therapies to antifibrotic therapy in IPF. Importance of multidisciplinary management. Revista Chilena De Enfermedades Respiratorias, 35(4), 293–303. Retrieved from https://revchilenfermrespir.cl/index.php/RChER/article/view/862

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