Treatment efficiency in new cases of susceptible tuberculosis in Chile
Tuberculosis therapy with the primary regimen recommended by the World Health Organization does not cure all cases globally, but it reached success in at least 85% of cases in the year 2018. The same year in Chile, treatment efficiency is achieved in only 76%, mainly due to the high proportion of deaths and loss of follow-up during therapy. Preliminary data show that in the 2019 cohort the success was achieved only in about 74% of new cases. Treatment failures in Chile are rare due to national surveillance of drug susceptibility. To reduce fatality, it is necessary to reinforce the strategies for early diagnosis of tuberculosis through new algorithms. Such strategies should include molecular biology and radiology in suspected TB cases, to promote proper management of comorbidities, establish an adequate social support network and have centers available for prolonged hospitalization when needed. In addition, patient’s adherence to therapy should be strengthened with strategies that encourage and facilitate attendance.
Tuberculosis, Follow Up Studies, Cohort studies, Treatment Failure
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