
Julián Rondón-Carvajal Javier L. Galindo P.


Historically, observational field studies have been the starting point for the development of great advances in the understanding of autoimmune diseases. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), several clinical associations have been described to date which have in common immunological models transverse to its natural history, which has allowed progress in the development of new therapeutic objectives. Our aim is to make a brief description of nodular involvement in RA, based on the clinical observations of Dr. Anthony Caplan in patients at risk of pneumoconiosis, in order to recognize the value of this type of association in professional medical practice.



Arthritis rheumatoid, Pneumoconiosis, Autoimmune diseases, Interstitial lung diseases, Caplan syndrome


How to Cite

Rondón-Carvajal, J., & Galindo P., J. L. . (2021). Caplan syndrome: the paradox of the lung as the origin of rheumatoid arthritis. Revista Chilena De Enfermedades Respiratorias, 36(4), 341–349. Retrieved from https://revchilenfermrespir.cl/index.php/RChER/article/view/967