Report of a bronchial asthma control program in Puerto Montt, Chile
Asthma is a disease with a variable clinical behaviour and usually insufficiently treated and managed. Methods: An Asthma Control Program was implemented in Puerto Montt, Chile, with the out patient participation of the primary medical care system. This Program classifies the asthmatic patients by using preestablished criteria of severity. We analyzed the evolution of 135 patients through six quarterly medical controls covering 18 months of follow up. Results: Patients diminished progressively and significantly their severity levels and their daily and nocturnal symptoms. Besides a significant increase of physical capacity (p = 0.001) and peak expiratory flow (PEF) (p = 0.0001) was observed. A series of severe asthmatic patients (12.5%) was identified. This group concentrated most of the emergency consultations and hospitalizations. Conclusions: An organized management of asthmatic patients has allowed us to show objectively clinical improvements in these patients after entering to this program
Bronchial asthma, control program, severity
How to Cite
RIQUELME O, M., RIQUELME O, R., & MARTÍNEZ R, D. (2006). Report of a bronchial asthma control program in Puerto Montt, Chile. Revista Chilena De Enfermedades Respiratorias, 22(2), 93–97. Retrieved from