Health teams and their functionality: opportunities for smoking cessation
This chapter proposes actions for an adequate implementation of the strategies defined in the Guidelines of Clinical Practice for Tobacco Treatment, Chile 2017. In the public subsystem, significant and progressive efforts have been made to carry out smoking detection and counseling ABC on the various devices in the network. In the private subsystem on the other hand specialized services have been carried out: Intensive Therapy for Smoking Cessation. A deficit of integration of services is detected based on clear and shared goals that allow to reach a relevant population impact. Guidelines are proposed to be followed to achieve success in the interventions for the treatment of smokers.
Smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, counseling
How to Cite
Sapag M., J., Acuña M., M., Campos A., A., Benítez V., Ángel, Villarroel P., R., Véjar M., L., & Paz Corvalán, M. (2017). Health teams and their functionality: opportunities for smoking cessation. Revista Chilena De Enfermedades Respiratorias, 33(3), 183–185. Retrieved from