Impact of tuberculosis in Puerto Montt hospital, Chile
Backgroud: Tuberculosis (TB) is still a problem that impacts on hospitals of high complexity. Aim: To assess demand for care and/or hospitalization because of TB in Puerto Montt Hospital (PMH), located in the southern of Chile. Patients and Methods: Retrospective study of all Reloncaví Health Service (RHS) and PMH clinical records, between 2011 and 2015. We include all ambulatory or hospitalized cases of active TB registered in PMH during the period of the study. Results: In RHS there were 298 cases of TB and 64% of them (192/298) was detected in HPM. We present social, economic, epidemiological, clinical, laboratory studies, and specific type of diagnosis of 180 cases that met inclusion criteria: men 62%, mean age 45 ± 19 years-old. The population with lower income was 72%, 4% homeless, 14% with complete high school, 11% illiterate and 19% lived at country side. Main co-morbidities were alcoholism 17%, HIV 12%, Diabetes Mellitus 10%. In the specific group of lung/pleural TB (128 cases) the time with symptoms was often prolonged (15% > 90 days) and imagen studies showed advanced pathology: bilateral infiltrates 73%>, affecting three or more lobes 55%, cavitations 34%. 71% (126/180) were hospitalized, because of necessity of more study (50%) or severity (48%), 8% required to enter to the Critical Care Unit (CCU). Twenty-four patients died (13%). Illiteracy and the need for CCU were associated with mortality. Conclusions: In RHS TB is a sanitary problem that affects principally the most poor and vulnerable populations.
Tuberculosis, hospitalization, retrospective studies, vulnerable population, critical care, mortality

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How to Cite
Riquelme D., J., Morales V., J., Aguilera V., R., Espinoza O., M., Vidal A., A., & Riquelme O., R. (2018). Impact of tuberculosis in Puerto Montt hospital, Chile. Revista Chilena De Enfermedades Respiratorias, 34(3), 165–170. Retrieved from