Asociación entre deterioro del flujo espiratorio máximo y prevalencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares y metabólicas en población adulta chilena: hallazgos preliminares de la Cohorte del Maule (MAUCO)
Introduction: Chronic respiratory diseases determine high morbimortality and cardiometabolic comorbidities. We evaluated the association between peak expiratory flow (PEF) and cardiometabolic conditions in adults in a semi-rural area, in the baseline of MAUCO cohort (MAUle COhort). Material and Method: Cross-sectional study (3,465 adults, 40-74 years). Peak expiratory flow (PEF) (mini-Wright, ATS standard) was measured (Gregg & Nunn; impaired PEF ? 80% predicted). Self-reported/measured hypertension (HT), cerebrovascular disease (CVD), myocardial infarction (AMI), diabetes mellitus 2 (DM2), blood pressure, glycemia, cholesterol, weight and height were obtained. Physical activityand smoking were surveyed, after Ethical approval. Association`s measures, prevalence and Odds Ratio (OR) were calculated. Results: Sample of 63.9% of women, mean age 55 (± 9) years, schooling 9 (± 4) years. 84.7% had overweight, 81.5% physical inactivity 29.4% smokers. Low PEF: 50.6% (48.9-52.3). Self-reported was: CVD 2.2% AMI 3.3%, suspicion of hypertension 24% and DM2 2.7%. Crude OR`s were significant for women by self-reported hypertension, stroke, AMI and self-reported/suspicion DM2; in men for self-reported CVD, suspected DM2 and self-reported/suspected hypertension. The association remained post-adjusted in women self-reported AMI -moderate deterioration (OR = 2.49) and severe PEF (OR = 2.60) and in men suspected DM2 and mild (OR = 5.24) and severe deteriorated PEF (OR = 6.19). Conclusions: PEF was significantly associated with cardiometabolic diseases; sexspecific findings for AMI (women) and suspicion of DM2 (men). High prevalence of altered PEF and chronic cardiometabolic diseases were detected among the studied population.
Flujómetros, índice de masa corporal, hipertensión, infarto del miocardio, desórdenes cerebrovasculares, comorbilidad, diabetes mellitus, tipo 2

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